Friday, May 31, 2024

What's Coming in June?

Can you believe it's already June? I'm going to keep things nice and short today and simply dive right into my sneak peek. Enjoy!


This one had me the moment I saw 'cookie' in the title (yum!), but to sweeten the deal, it has mystery too. And friendship. And a baking competition. And...yeah, I'm excited to dive into this one and hope to find secrets, tense scenes, and, for all things, wonderful treats. Join me the very first day of June and we'll see just how good this book is.

Middle Grade Mystery


Maybe, I was hungry when I stack this month's reading list together, but I am looking forward to steeping into what promises to be a humorous tale about a family, who each wants a different pasta form at a party. Join the fun with me on the 6th.

Picture Book


I'm going into this read a little unsure of what it might hold. It has to do with a boy, who needs to win a contest with a group of students, which should have no chance of winning. But if he doesn't pull it off, his summer (life?) will be ruined. I have no idea how deep this one is going to get or if it will dance with a bit of humor or even what I can expect. But I'll let you know what I find on the 7th.

Middle Grade Contemporary


The title and cover should say it all...I'm hoping they do. While this tale could go either way (bad or good), I'm hoping it's a fun tale about a boy, determination, and this huge obstacle. Boulders can be viscous, trust me. Anyway, I'll be taking a peek at this one on the 12th.

Picture Book


This one sounded like a lovely summer read. Raised as a foster child somewhere in France, a teen is 'discovered' when someone hears her singing during a class trip to Paris. She's shipped off to New York, has to fulfill the music deals, and deals with romance and whatnots. It's a romcom, and I'm hoping for a light-hearted story with many funny twists, but I'll let you know more on the 14th.

Young Adult Romance


With summer vacation here (or just around the corner), dreams of camping in the great outdoors will be running through some kids' plans. This read appeared to be perfect for that. It's the forth in an adventure series, which I haven't visited yet, and promises tons of tension. It takes place in Sequoia National Park and has two brothers doing their best to save some lost campers/hikers. I'm looking forward to taking a peek on the 17th.

Middle Grade Adventure


While the above YA read should be light and fun, this one promises more than a few chills, thrills, and secrets. It circles around a house and young woman, whose witch family has protected the village from evil spirits for generations. Thanks to a tourist tour, this changes...or so I believe. Anyway, there should be tons of mystery, magic, and dark lies in this one, and we'll find out all about it on the 19th.

Young Adult Paranormal


Mystery continues in this read but carries a high-tech twist. I really don't know what to expect with this one but loved the title and cover. Plus, it promises to be a fun mystery with unique twists. Whether it will be worth a read or not is something we'll find out on the 20th.

Middle Grade Mystery


It's off to the year 1106 and a girl living in Wales. Her sisters are both dead thanks to a warlord's raid, and she's only survived by taking in the enemy and fooling everyone that he cannot die as long as he lives under her saintly protection. But the lies unravel because...well, that lie would at some point, right? Anyway, it sounds like an intriguing historical trip, and Wales heads in a direction I haven't gone for awhile. Journey through time with me on the 24th.

Young Adult Historical


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