Sunday, June 30, 2024

Let's Go Bananas! by Brad Wilkins

 I'm skipping my usual reviews today to shout-out a fun book, which was written for a special cause. This is a bright and silly read, which showcases a crazy banana. While the book is a story in itself with the intention of being read as a usual adventure, there is a song available, which showcases the crazy banana's song. So, young readers/listeners can either read the book, listen to the song, or use both in combination.

The proceeds go to the UCP of Central Florida. I've added a video at the very end of the post to help anyone, who doesn't know the group, gain a better understanding of who they are and what they do.

by Brad Wilkins
Illustrated by Cesar Lista
Picture Book with Song Addition Available
ages 3 to 9

Proceeds go to UCP of Central Florida

Embark on a magical jungle adventure with "Let's Go Bananas!", where two monkeys try to escape from a singing banana. This delightful storybook brings the jungle to life through vibrant illustrations and a dynamic, rhythmic narrative. Perfect for reading aloud at any type of storytime, the book features a sing-along refrain that encourages laughter and joy! Written by Brad Wilkins, who originally wrote the song "Let's Go Bananas" for a school talent show, this book was crafted with the imagination and input of his children, Jonah and Gabi and their classes. Designed to captivate and engage, it's the perfect choice for parents and educators looking to inspire a love of reading and singing in children. Moreover, purchasing this book supports a wonderful cause—proceeds will benefit the inspiring children at UCP of Central Florida. So join the fun and let's go bananas together!


UCP - Who Are They?

Friday, June 28, 2024

All in Together by Iris Moran

Today's read heads into nonfiction...oh, how I love nonfiction! Yep, I'll say it again—that's been the go-to section of the library of my family for, at least, a couple generations. Both sides. Even my seventeen-year-old daughter has been heading to the nonfiction section every single visit to the library the last weeks (the summer reading program is awesome!), picking up...well, even the librarian has been surprised. (Basics of Constitutional Law, Facts about the Bird Flu, Unsolved Mysteries of the 1980s, Basic Electronics, and more). She says that there's so much to life she hasn't learned yet.

Anyway, today's book heads into jump rope songs and rhymes. I would have loved this as a kid, and my daughter admits that although it wasn't the most visited activity during her elementary/middle school early years, it would have been fun to add to the list when her and her friends did jump rope. What shocked me was that there are 230 in these pages. 230!!! I didn't know that many existed!

So, let's dive in and discover these rhymes.


Classic Jump Rope Songs
by Iris Moran
Nona Books
Children's Nonfiction
160 pages
ages 6 and up

Get ready to skip, hop, and jump to the rhythm with over 230 classic skipping songs. From "Cinderella Dressed in Yellow" to "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear," these rhymes are perfect for solo skipping or group fun.

Not only are these rhymes a blast from the past, but they also create a special connection between generations. Grandmothers can reminisce about their childhood memories while sharing quality time with their grandkids. Let's turn your playground into a stage with our Jump Rope Rhymes - where every skip is a step towards fun and family bonding.

This collection of over 230 songs is a magical window into the past, offering a glimpse into lives from a different era-a time without social media, filled with innocence and folklore rhymes to tell the story. Designed for kids, this book is bursting with rich illustrations inspired by the vibrant style of the 50s.

Connect Between Generations:
Create cherished memories as grandparents share their favorite jump rope rhymes with their grandkids.

One of the Biggest Collections of Rhymes:
Offering more than 230 classic and original songs that have entertained children for decades.

Illustrations from the 50s:

Step back in time with charming illustrations that capture the nostalgic charm of the 1950s. Vibrant colors, retro style, and whimsical characters bring each rhyme to life, sparking the imagination and delighting readers of all ages.

B&N    /     WALMART    /     THRIFT BOOKS


What a fun read! This book dives into world of jump roping and takes a look at the various rhymes and sayings used when playing this long-loved game/sport. 

There are over 230 songs/rhymes in these pages, and I was amazed that there are truly that many. The author has done her homework and collected a very varied list. The book starts out with a few, short thoughts: what skipping rhymes are, a tiny bit of history, types of rhymes, and a little humor. Then, it divides into several chapters, which categorize the rhymes by themes. All of the rhymes and chapters are listed in the table of contents to make finding them simple. At the beginning of each chapter, there's a short description concerning the theme, which holds some interesting and fun tidbits. 

The rhymes are written with nice spacing and clarity, letting each one shine despite the huge amount. Directions to the rhymes are added as necessary (skip faster, touch the ground, etc). These are easy to understand and help readers know exactly what to do. Several of the songs/rhymes have some interesting information added on the side (historical context or other interesting curiosities). All of this is written in a concise manner, which also stays playful and light. It fits the intended audience very well and steers away from boring and dry with ease. To top things off, there are a few puzzles scattered among the pages, too. It's a thorough and well-done collection, which doesn't forget the fun along the way.

The illustrations keep the atmosphere enjoyable and playful. I'll admit that I blinked twice at the old fashioned cover and wondered how that would work for a kids' book (not sure it will grab that first, needed interest), but the illustrations inside add just the right touch and leave a sense of carefree joy. The 'old fashioned' atmosphere works well between the songs and gives it a sense of timelessness and warmth.

This is a great book to grab up and discover already known and many forgotten songs/rhymes. For kids, who want to show their friends that they know something the others don't, it's an awesome resource. But even adults, who are nostalgic, will enjoy this one. Not only will it bring back memories, but the sidenotes are quite intriguing.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Library Day with Spindle and Dagger by J. Anderson Coats

It's Library Day! Today's gem was released in 2010 and heads back to 1109 in Wales. It follows a girl as she struggles to survive during a very, very turmoil ridden time period. I adore historical novels, and when they're set in a little-seen-time-period, I might even get giddy. Now, this one will not be a gentle read. The time period was more than rough. While there are very subtle indications of possible rape (and I do mean that one has to really read between the lines), the author keeps this one solidly in the rough treatment of 'lowly' citizens and the violence surrounding the constant warring tribes (not overly gruesome, either). 

Yes, I did read this before writing the above comments (usually, I do a pre-thought thingy), but I couldn't wait to dive into this one right away. 

by J. Anderson Coats
Candlewick Press
Young Adult Historical 
304 pages

This rich literary novel follows Elen, who must live a precarious lie in order to survive among the medieval Welsh warband that killed her family.

Wales, 1109. Three years ago, a warband raided Elen’s home. Her baby sister could not escape the flames. Her older sister fought back and almost killed the warband’s leader, Owain ap Cadwgan, before being killed herself. Despite Elen’s own sexual assault at the hands of the raiders, she saw a chance to live and took it. She healed Owain’s wound and spun a lie: Owain ap Cadwgan, son of the king of Powys, cannot be killed, not by blade nor blow nor poison. Owain ap Cadwgan has the protection of Saint Elen, as long as he keeps her namesake safe from harm and near him always.

For three years, Elen has had plenty of food, clothes to wear, and a bed to sleep in that she shares with the man who brought that warband to her door. Then Owain abducts Nest, the wife of a Norman lord, and her three children, triggering full-out war. As war rages, and her careful lies threaten to unravel, Elen begins to look to Nest and see a different life — if she can decide, once and for all, where her loyalties lie. J. Anderson Coats’s evocative prose immerses the reader in a dark but ultimately affirming tale of power and survival.

At a library near you!!!


This sinks its teeth into a historical period of constantly warring tribes, and their vye for power destroys anyone, who shows the slightest sign of weakness.

The world is in unrest with ever shifting sides and those who take what they want without scrutiny. Elen has already watched her innocent family be slaughtered before her eyes and now survives thanks to a lie she used to save herself. Tethered to a leading warrior's side, she's believed to be sent from from a saint, her name's sake, to keep the warrior from death. The lie has miraculously worked for years, but the shifting power struggles are sliding in a new direction. Not only are the stakes during the battles higher, but her secret threatens to be exposed.

This is set in 12th century Wales, a time where the entire country seeped under attacks and wars as various powers tried to gain the overhand. The tale is not presented with any cushioning to ease the brutality. Instead, it follows a historical incident, and playing the game of 'what if', fills in holes. There isn't any fantasy, and the author tries to stick to realistic possibility in a grabbing and tense way. It is a grabbing read and does a nice job at delivering an engaging tale while shedding some light on the time period.

While YA historical reads tend to sink into romance, this book does not. Instead, it takes a peek at political shoves for power and intrigue. It concentrates on the factors, which drove the merciless behavior and left the country in blood. Also, the relationship between men and women grows clear...and not with a lightness readers might expect. It is complex and interesting.

While all of this plays out, the author does side-step other aspects outside of the warring powers, which would have added more depth. It would have been nice to see more details and gain a little insight into the life of anyone not directly working in the power plays, especially since Elen comes from this 'usual' folk perspective herself. But anyone who enjoys historic ventures with truth, grit, and a glimpse at what true heroines might have looked like, is in for quite the read with this one. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hardy Boys Clue Book: Splash Pad Sabotage by Franklin W. Dixon

I wish there was a splash pad in our town! The last one we visited...many moons ago...was in a small town in Nebraska at the local zoo. Actually, it's amazing that this size of a town had a zoo, but small towns are full of surprises. Anyway, there was a slushy stand right next to the splash pad, and that rounded a visit off in the best way possible. I don't know if this mystery will have slushies, but it does have bubbles. This one heads toward the chapter book audience and takes a spin off the original, beloved series. I'm excited to see how it does. So let's find out!

by Franklin W. Dixon
Illustrated by Santy Gutierrez
Chapter Book Mystery
93 pages
ages 7 to 10

Detective brothers Frank and Joe stop a splash pad saboteur in the seventeenth book in the interactive Hardy Boys Clue Book series.

Frank and Joe are looking for ways to beat the heat on their summer vacation, so they’re super excited about the opening of Bayport’s new Splash and Dash Pad. But on their second visit, they find that the fountains are overrun with bubbles! The park director announces that the pad will stay closed until he finds the culprit who poured soap down the drains, so the boys pull out their clue book to search for the Bayport Bubbler. Were the kids who wanted a bike ramp instead of a splash pad trying to ruin the opening? Or perhaps this is a publicity stunt to promote Lucy Lafferty’s new bubble lemonade. The suspects are piling up higher than the bubbles, but if anyone can find the sudsy saboteur, it’s the Hardy brothers!



Summer water fun takes a surprising twist and has the Hardy Boys off on another case.

The splash pad is having its grand opening just in time for the summer heat. Almost everyone is excited for the cooling fun, except for a group of boys, who hoped the city would have created a bike park with ramps instead. When the water is turned on, everything looks great...until bubbles spew out and leave the splash pad in a bubbly mess. Someone has sabotaged the new attraction, and the Hardy Boys are determined to find out who it was. While the group of bike boys is high on their list of suspects, soon other possible culprits pop up as well.

The very first sentence already sets the theme of this mystery by showing the excitement surrounding the opening of the splash pad. Anyone who has experienced hot , summer temperatures will completely understand and wish they could jump through the water themselves. When the problem hits, the disappointment is tangible. But readers have to stay on their toes because the first clues have already dropped by then, too. The 'bad guy' need to be caught, but while there is fun tension, it never even stretches the borders of what's appropriate for the intended age group. There is a sense of seriousness as the boys try to figure out what happened, but humor and lighter moments blend in, too. It's a quick-paced read, which is easy to sink into and enjoy.

This is an easy-to-read mystery for those readers who have a good grasp on their words but aren't quite ready to dive into thicker, more intense reads. The sentences are kept short, the font is larger, and illustrations break up the chapters with one or two every few pages. 

This is the 17th book in the series, and the first one for me, which was no problem since each mystery is its own tale. The clues are well laid, the characters entertaining, and the answers not easy to predict. Young mystery fans are sure to enjoy this one quite a bit.

And here they are...

Franklin W. Dixon is the author of the ever-popular Hardy Boys books.

Santy Gutierrez resides in the seaside city of La Coruña, Spain. He has won acclaim as the Best Spanish Young Editorial Cartoonist and Best Galician Caricaturist, among others.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Happy Book Birthday, Paige Proves It: The Curious Cove by Amy Marie Stadelmann!

 Okie dokie! While I've been managing to pop up reviews the last few days, I've been skipping these beginning rambles (did anyone even notice?). Sometimes, life just gets a bit busy. My eldest daughter had her research defense—it was so fun to watch her talk about her little HIV-infected baby cells. My youngest son had a bday celebration, and my husband made it back from Germany, tired but happy. So there was a lot of running back and forth from our small farm to the 'city'. I have another project, which is currently causing me a little stress, but I'll babble about that one as soon as I've completed it. 

It's Happy Book Birthday time!!! Today's read hits the shelves today and looks like an adorable graphic novel-ish thing. After flipping through the pages, it looks like a chapter book balancing on the edge of graphic novelness. It's a mystery, and if I understood this right, has a heavier emphasis on decerning facts from opinions and theories. It's the third in a series, and of course, I haven't read the other two yet.

So, put on those sleuthing hats and grab that paper and pen because we're off to discover the truth!

Paige Proves It #3
by Amy Marie Stadelmann
Chapter Book Mystery  /  
Graphic Novel
112 pages
ages 7 to 10

Fact-loving Paige sets out to prove imaginative Penn wrong about mermaids in this third book in the mystery graphic novel chapter book series Paige Proves It!

Paige loves facts! She is constantly spouting information about everything and anything to anyone who will listen. Hot dogs were first sold at baseball games in the 1800s! Termites are insects with strong jaws made for eating and burrowing into wood. And the boy named Penn who lives next door to her is her friend. On a visit to their local seaside park, Penn is convinced there has been a mermaid sighting, and Paige is determined—once again—to prove him wrong, one fact at a time.

GOODREADS   /    AMAZON    /      PRESS READER   /     B&N


When mystery hits, theories explode, but this sleuth sticks to the facts to get to the truth.

Paige and Penn are off to sail their toy boat at the annual Evergreen Park Regatta, but when they get there, they discover it's been called off! Something mysterious is floating out in the water, creating a possible danger. But no one knows what it is. When a teen park employee is sure it's a mermaid, Penn is won over by the guy's arguments (plus, he's a cool teen!). But Paige isn't as easy to convince and heads out to collect the facts. What she discovers surprises everyone.

Paige and Penn make a fun pair. While Paige stays planted in facts and isn't easily swayed, Penn's imagination and energy lets fantasy fly. Together, the two are ready for anything...and anything can happen. It fits perfectly to this mystery as it heads in the direction of mermaids. The clues are clever and teach a little biology along the way. The slide from fantastical explanations to the facts is entertaining, surprising, and well laid to create a grabbing read the entire way through. Plus, readers discover how to evaluate information themselves.

While this is marketed as a graphic novel, it shimmies up between a heavily illustrated chapter book and the comic form to create something in between. Readers, who have a pretty good grip on their words, will feel at home in these pages as the text sticks mostly to speech bubbles and remains easy-to-read. There are short paragraphs with explanations and facts in between, but these stick to the sparser side (and aren't information dumps but add fun tidbits). The illustrations carry most of the story, are bright and colorful, and make sure emotion comes across as well as humor and fun.

It's an enjoyable mystery with twists, which are very hard to see coming, and is sure to delight more than just mystery sleuths along the way.

And here she is...

Amy Marie Stadelmann is the author and illustrator of the Olive & Beatrix chapter book series. She has also worked on the television shows Wonder Pets! and Team Umizoomi. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Visit her at

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Friend by Zea Perez


by Zea Perez
Ukiyoto Publishing
Chapter Book
55 pages
ages 5 to 12

A heartwarming story about keeping a pet and how it makes a child joyful and responsible. Until one day the child has to make a very astonishing yet kind and profound gesture to his pet friend!



The respect and love for life comes across like a warm hug in a tale, which leaves a smile on the face.

A boy dreams of having a pet, but his mother's allergies make it difficult. When the father comes home with a bird, the boy is delighted. As he learns to care for his new pet, a friendship grows between them. As the boy becomes more attune to the bird, he realizes that there may be something the bird is wishing for, too.

In this read, a clear appreciation for nature and especially animals is seen, but it weaves itself so nicely into the story that it steers clear of growing preachy. The warm relationship between the boy and his pet creates sympathy and understanding, which promote concern and the desire to give what is best to a 'loved' one. Watching the boy learn to care for the bird and understand some of its behaviors presents a close relationship which inspires. Not only readers, who have pets in their household, but those who wish to someday care for their own, will find themselves connecting and dreaming about such a positive relationship.

The illustrations carry an unique style, which fits well with the setting. The colors are bright and bold, and especially the bird benefits from the vibrant hues. There's a couple lines of text before/after each illustration, which keep the story going as the illustrations tell the rest. 

This works well as a read-aloud, but also is nicely suited for beginning readers, who are becoming sure of their words. The vocabulary pushes the skills but doesn't frustrate, and thanks to the shorter lines, doesn't intimidate. It is broken down into very short chapters, each one beginning with a title to reflect the main theme (for example: Taking Care of a Friend). So, readers know which direction the tale is heading next. 

It's an enjoyable, bright read with tons of goodness. 

And here she is...

This is a collection of short stories for middle grade readers, which takes an unique turn toward nature in an entertaining and thoughtful way.

There are six tales, each carrying a very own plot, message, and twist. Even the characters include everything from a mountain to plants to insects to humans and more. But these tales do share the common thread of strengthening awareness for nature, especially in the realm of logging, deforestation, and more. The author is Philippine and this is wonderfully mirrored in the setting and scenes to create a rich and inviting backdrop.

I think this is the first time I've read tales which surround main characters such as a Venus Fly Trap or a pitcher plant. Keeping the younger age group in mind, the author weaves the carnivorous aspects of the characters in with clever finesse, adding a taunting allure, while still making them sympathetic and kind. Even the environmental messages, for the most part, slide right in, make their point, and do so without overpowering the magic of the story.

There text heads toward the lower end of the middle grade realm and works well as a read-aloud for younger ages in calm settings. There a simple yet cute illustrations built in to help readers picture the characters or situations, which add a nice visual touch as well. It an original collection and a refreshing way to visit nature and take along some food for thought.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Brave Mermaids: The Sea Dragon by Maria Mandel Dunsche

by Maria Mandel Dunsche
Illustrated by Wathmi de Zoysa
Merlion Publishing
Picture Book
38 pages
ages 3 to 7

Drake, the sea dragon is one of the crabbiest creatures in the ocean. But one day, Lexa and Livi, the mermaid sisters decide to pay Drake a visit. Will they be able to unlock the magic in his heart?



Fantasy heads under the sea, where caring mermaids and an adorable dragon learn valuable life lessons.

Drake is a sea dragon and a cranky one, too. When the two mermaids, Lexa and Livi, decide to visit him and invite him to play, Drake demands they go away. Confused and hurt, the little mermaids learn of Drake's problems—the other sea creatures tease him because of his wings, and so he no longer wants to talk to anyone. But Lexa and Livi aren't ready to give up and are determined to make a new friend.

This book is one in a series of three, which centers around the adventures of two mermaids. The two mermaids are sweet and kind, inviting readers into a wholesome and enjoyable atmosphere. Each ocean scene is very bright and bold, letting the vibrant life come across with energy and confidence. This world of cheerful fantasy offers a positive foundation and contrasts nicely as Lexa and Livi meet an adorable-looking dragon, whose attitude hits with sudden harshness. Before readers can begin to dislike the dragon, the problem becomes clear and it's easy to sympathize with the dragon's situation. The message also comes across loud and clear, and slides into the area of celebrating differences and developing friendships.

It's a smooth story, which makes a nice read-aloud. The solid, narrative style leads through each moment, making it clear as the illustrations add life and emotions. Especially younger readers will enjoy the characters and scenes.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Groundworld Heroes by Adrian So

by Adrian So
Monarch Educational Services
Middle Grade Adventure
149 pages
ages 8 to 12

AUGUST 6th!!!

When Groundworld is on the brink of extinction, it takes one mole with courage to save the day.

When Benjamin, a junior mole digger, witnesses a human invasion of his homeland, he must find his long-lost courage and unite two culturally distinct realms to fight the intruders and save his kind from extinction. What perils lie before him as he ventures into the unknown? Can Benjamin go up against a rough bunch of illegal animal trappers before it's too late? 

Meet the Groundworld heroes as they defend their country's sovereignty and save their fellow citizens from capture and extinction. 

Perfect for fans of Kate Dicamillo and Roald Dahl.

GOODREADS   /    AMAZON    /    B&N


The underground world and it's brave characters make this a tale to enjoy from beginning to end.

Benjamin is a junior mole digger and doing his best to learn his profession in Groundworld, an underground civilization of animals which is slowly disappearing thanks to the changing world above. When the humans dig into the ground and break through the ceiling of Groundworld, the civilization is threatened to be completely destroyed. Benjamin does his best to save those around him but is separated from his crew and even left behind. Determined to find a way to reunite with is family and friends, he not only runs into more danger than he could ever dream but finds himself on a mission to save them all.

In some respects, this book reminded me of Watership Down by Richard Adams, but while there are a couple, similar, small aspects, Groundworld is a realm of its own. Groundworld is an imaginative world, which draws in with its charm, burrows harboring stores, schools, and more...and that just below the ground. The animals are sympathetic as they carry enough familiarity for readers to connect with, while diving into a realm of fantasy. Add Benjamin, who is a mole to adore, and it's a tale, which is easy to get lost in and enjoy.

The author doesn't wait long until the first danger hits, thrusting the entire realm into panic. The danger is clear, and the threat deadly. Benjamin is a clear underdog, who doesn't have high aspirations. His humbleness and determination make him easy to root for as he hits one difficult challenge right after the other. The author adds surprising twists to head in unexpected directions, and this works especially well at the end. There are moments to hold ones breath, and others to make a reader sigh. It's well-paced and promises excitement the entire way through.

While the dangers and tension rarely relax, there's enough lightness and humor to keep it at the lower, middle grade level. The messages surrounding the environment are present and clear, but there are others which hit upon themes such as working together, working past prejudices, perseverance, and more. These slide right in with the action and heart to add richness to the plot.

Especially the younger end of the middle grade audience will enjoy the shorter length, while working into a story which resembles the larger reads. It never talks down to the reader, but opens up an exciting world, where heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Super Berries Scam by Natasha Deen

by Natasha Deen
Illustrated by Mariano Epelbaum
Stone Arch Books
Middle Grade Mystery
74 pages
ages 8 to 12

AUGUST 1st!!!

A young girl uncovers the truth behind an online health fad in this installment of the Cyber Sleuths chapter book series. Dalia Gopie is shorter than all her friends. Then she discovers that her favorite social media influencer is promoting a miracle fruit—one that guarantees to make anyone taller overnight! Is this online fad the real deal, or is the popular influencer selling a tall tale?

With the help of other Cyber Sleuths—a network of mystery-solving kids—and legit online resources, Dalia uncovers the truth about this too-good-to-be-true product. Created in partnership with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), this action-packed chapter book is perfect for young readers and demonstrates valuable media literacy skills. Books in This Series: The Lip-Sync Scandal, The Sasquatch Suspect, The Sham City of Atlantis, The Super Berries Scam



Online promises of amazing products are exposed for potential lies in a read with fun characters and quick pacing.

Dalia is sick of being the smallest in her group of friends, especially since middle school is only a few weeks away, and she's the only one who hasn't seemed to get her growing spirt. She's ready to try about anything to no longer be seen as the smallest member. So when one of her favorite online influencers shares information about a miracle fruit, which can make people grow inches over night, Dalia has to have some. Of course, they're expensive, and they taste awful, but these fruits are the answer to her wish. Even when her friends and family don't seem to understand, she isn't going to give up...and she might just be taking things a little overboard, too.

Right away, readers meet Dalia as she tries to push down her anger after being teased by her friends for being the shortest in the group. Their intentions aren't mean...just the normal poking friends do...but this time, she can't push off the frustration. Her attitude is understandable, and readers will be able to sympathize with her situation. After all, everyone has things which they wish they could change about themselves, especially when it makes them stick out a little. Her excitement at seeing a 'solution' offered by someone she enjoys watching on the internet is also understandable, and the author takes this aspect on with care. Little by little the lie breaks down, exposing the deception bit by bit. It's well laid out in an easy-to-follow manner and brings the message home.

Dalia and the other characters come across realistically. They are friendly and kind, but not perfect. The relationships are warming and flow at a nice pace along with the plot. There's drama, rough moments, a little humor, and emotional twists. Add the mystery, and there are even surprises to keep the pages turning.  

This series is aimed at those who have a good grasp on their words but aren't ready to dive into more difficult reads quite yet. I'd recommend this one to the lower end of the middle grade level if not upper chapter books. The illustrations are well done and accompany the text nicely. Along with the larger font and short chapters, it creates an easy read for the intended audience.

I look forward to diving into the other books in the series and see what adventures the friends will face next.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Lies of Alma Blackwell by Amanda Glaze

Isn't the cover on today's read grabbing? I want to learn more about that house. I want to know what it has to do with the ocean (?). Mostly, I want to know how the horror side will work in. I'm ready to be drawn into a dark world and see where this goes. Now, I'm not really a horror fan...I'm a chicken...but this one sounds intriguing, and I'm even willing to be scared along the way (time to check those closets!). 

So, let's dive in and see where this one goes.

by Amanda Glaze
Union Square & Co.
YA Gothic Horror
384 pages

AUGUST 27th!!!

For over a century, the Blackwells have protected the town of Hollow Cliff from vengeful spirits. 

Seventeen-year-old Nev is ready to take over for her ailing grandmother as the town’s witch protector—unlike her mother, who left when Nev was a child and never looked back. When a stranger arrives at Blackwell House of Spirits to fill a tour guide opening, Nev reluctantly offers him the job. Nev doesn’t trust Cal Murphy. He knows more than he’s letting on about Blackwell House—and about Nev herself. But Nev soon learns that she has been lied to her whole life. 

By following the trail of clues left behind in Blackwell House by her most powerful witch ancestor, Nev uncovers an unspeakable legacy of murder and lies...and realizes that a stranger may be the one person she can trust.  



Shadows and secrets meld with spirits and magic in a dangerous weave of deadly lies.

At seventeen, Nev has already come to terms with the fact that she'll never leave the small town of Hollow Cliff. Thanks to the sudden onset of cancer, her grandmother can no longer protect the island from the evil spirits, leaving Nev as the only one who can take on the task. While Nev is expected to use her magic to keep the deadly spirits at bay, modern life goes on. She and her grandmother run a tour business for seasonal tourists. After all, the legends and history surrounding the town and Blackwell House leave chills down almost everyone's, none would ever begin to believe any of it is true. Which it is. And isn't. As a stranger works his way into her life, she begins to reveal the truth, and that is the most dangerous thing of all. 

Witches and manors with terrible secrets set the stage for a dive into a creepy tale full of deceit. During the first chapters, the small town on the shoreline comes across as a place with quaint flair, tons of history, and friendly residents...and horrible secrets. Nev hits the first page with energy. She knows and has long accepted her fate as the next protector of the town and is ready to keep it safe from the evil spirits who only want to kill. The darker side already heads into play as she considers the recent death of a resident, who was murdered by the spirits. Not that she can tell anyone because even the residents  need to hear that the horrible tales are things of the past. And here's where the odd balance comes in. The townspeople are very well aware of their paranormal history/truth because none of them can leave the town for long or they go mad. So while the first chapters present a very normal life with beach parties and tourists bumbling through the town, the unsettling part builds in the background as a building storm that everyone knows is there but doesn't acknowledge completely (except Nev and her grandmother). These first chapters also offer a slower start than I prefer, and that for the first 50 or so pages, but once the tale gets going, it grabs and holds until the last page. 

The tension is as high as the stakes, and the dark tones add a delightful edge to the increasing chills. Secrets come to light in unpredictable ways and at surprising times. Each one is well laid and not easy to see coming. These flow along with haunting smoothness and notch up at the right moments. While there are some questions surrounding the magic, which are never revealed, the mystery sinks its claws in deep to create an intriguing read.

There is romance, and this fits very well to the intended audience level. It steers clear from cliche love triangles and insta-attraction to promise a nice arc on this end, too. While strong and very present, it doesn't overtake the main plot, which was also nice to see. 

Fans of dark secrets with paranormal dangers and a touch of magic are sure to enjoy the chills and thrills of this read.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Penelope's Balloons by Brooke Bourgeoise

I smiled when I saw the title and cover of today's read. The elephant reminded me a bit of the very popular Babar series...and don't even get me started on red balloons (yep, Nena's song is now running through my head.) So, I'm hoping this one will be a lovely read...and my expectations are high because of the above reasons. Is that fair? Nope. Not at all. But readers hit books with all sorts of reasons and thoughts, and I'm hoping this read lives up to mine, too.

Let's see if this books is as cute and warming as I hope it is!

by Brooke Bourgeoise
Union Square & Co.
Picture Book
40 pages
ages 4 to 6

From a dynamic debut creator, here is a charming and endearing picture book about an elephant’s quest for acceptance—destined to become a modern classic.
Penelope loves her ten red balloons. She spends every moment with them, taking them with her everywhere she goes—school, ballet class, and the market. But when she loses all her balloons, Penelope is devastated. With a gentle nod to perennial classics in its art style, Penelope’s Balloons is a celebration of differences, embracing your identity, and, especially, friendship.

​Debut author-illustrator Brooke Bourgeois beautifully explores childhood passions, identity, and anxiety in this timeless story about the power of friends, family, and community.

Penelope's Balloons is an imaginative elephant book that promotes themes of identity, community, and emotional growth. Perfect for anyone in search of anxiety books for kids, as well as parents and educators looking for read aloud kids books ages 4-6 that spark discussion around managing worries, embracing differences, and the power of friendship.

GOODREADS    /    AMAZON    /     B&N   /    BOOKSHOP


The joy of red balloons follows a sweet elephant through a lesson of treasures and friendship.

Penelope adores her ten, red balloons and takes them everywhere she goes...and I mean everywhere. Never willing to part with a single one, she even takes them to school. There, she must be very careful not to let her friends with spikes, horns, or sharp teeth come too close or the balloons might pop. But all of her careful maneuvering fails as a sudden storm hits while she's walking home, and the balloons float away. Except for one, and she'll do anything to protect what is left.

The red balloons draw focus to the story, and it's easy to understand why Penelope is excited by them. After all, there is something magical about balloons. Penelope's sweet, seemingly carefree personality comes across clearly right away, making her a character, who would be fun to play with and meet. This offers a wonderful foundation before her extreme caution sets in. While readers will clearly see what's happening and know there's a problem, Penelope is still sweet enough to wish that everything turns out well for her. There's a lot of character arc as she learns an important lesson about material fixations versus friendship, and it flows nicely with the tale.

The story grabs with various emotions as it dances through fun moments, growing problems, tenser situations, sadness, and happy realization. These are strengthened through the well-done illustrations, which make the characters and world come to life. The illustrator places the bright red balloons against earthier tones during most of the read, allowing them to stand out in accordance to Penelope's fixation. At the end, when she realizes what her true treasure is, the red dims down to match the rest of the world. It's clever and subtle.

I do hope to see more of Penelope and her friends, since this is a lovely introduction to a world with many possible adventures to come.

And here she is...

Brooke Bourgeois is a cartoonist, writer, and illustrator originally from New 
Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker and Private Eye, amongst other publications. Penelope's Balloons is Brooke's debut author-illustrator picture book. She invites you to visit her online at

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Lonely Planet Kids America's National Parks

With yesterday's read, we jaunted into outdoor fitting for summer vacation! Today, I'm taking things a step further with two partner books, which invite kids to head outdoors and explore themselves. 

by Alexa Ward
Illustrated by Mike Lowery
Lonely Planet Kids
Children's Nonfiction
256 pages
ages 6 to 12

Calling all adventurers! Are you ready to explore America's 60 amazing national parks?

From Acadia's seaside cliffs and coves to Zion's enchanting red valleys, take a journey through the United States' most spectacular and exciting landscapes with America's National Parks from Lonely Planet Kids.

With awesome facts, photos and illustrations on every page, you'll discover erupting geysers, exploding volcanoes, howling wolves, soaring eagles, mountains, glaciers, rainforests and more throughout the continental USA, Hawaii, American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands.

America's national parks are bursting with gasp-worthy wonders: the world's largest tree with branches stretching 400 feet into the sky; the planet's grandest canyon 6,000 feet deep; a crystal-clear lake deeper than the Empire State Building.

Meet the animals roaming each park, including gators, bison, gray wolves, spotted salamanders, great horned owls, bald eagles and grizzly bears, and find out the best activities, like snorkeling, white-water rafting, hiking, winter sports, exploring ghost towns and geyser watching.

GOODREADS    /     AMAZON    /     B&N

by Lonely Planet Kids
Children's Nonfiction
96 pages
ages 6 to 12

Say goodbye to boredom with this awesome US National Parks activity book that's packed with word games, drawing challenges, and brain-busting facts like you wouldn't believe. Perfect for a rainy day or a long-distance vacation, kids will also discover super-cool secrets and epic knowledge about America's wildest spaces. 

Come and explore! From deciphering head-scratching word scrambles about Nevada's Great Basin National Park, to searching for hidden turtles, jellyfish and crabs in a vibrant underwater image of the Virgin Islands National Park; kids can treasure this on-the-go companion and flip through its pages anywhere and everywhere. Whether you're whiling away the hours at an airport, or you're driving at snail's pace on a road trip adventure, this fun-filled National Parks activity book will keep curious minds entertained for hours on end. Inside America's National Parks Activity:

- The ultimate kids' activity book for wildlife enthusiasts and lovers of the great outdoors with fantastically fun word and picture games themed around the 63 US National Parks
- Includes wild and wonderful facts about the legendary animals, extreme landscapes and tallest trees that can be seen during a National Park excursion
- Encourages a greater appreciation for our natural world and promotes these beautiful destinations as areas to explore and enjoy
- Hours of entertainment with interactive activities color by numbers, seek and find, word scrambles, word searches, make your own, crossword puzzles, mazes, spot the difference, fill the blanks, quizzes, step-by-step draw your own, connect the dots, personality quizzes, matching games, doodle pad, picture games, and more



The excitement and variety that America's National Parks comes across in a way, which will have readers wanting to visit almost every single one and discover it themselves.

The main book, America's National Parks,  is thick, sturdy, and packed with National Park goodness. It begins with a map of the US, where each park is marked by a colored number. These work together with the Table of Contents to help readers immediately find the parks closet to them or those near where ever they might be headed (and all others, too). Before heading into the main chapters, there is a foreword to inspire and an explanation of S.T.A.R.S. (safety and responsibility). Each park (chapter) begins with a big, lovely photo, a corner with quick facts about size and such, and a short tidbit about a specialty of the park. The next two pages offer a few more photos, a couple paragraph description over the park's highlights, and list of things to do and see. It's short, sweet, and gets across the 'good stuff' about each one without dragging on and on.

It's enjoyable to simply flip through this book and take in the wonderful scenes. The variety each park has to offer comes across clearly, and it awakens the traveling spirit. There are small illustrated animals added in here and there, which add a touch of humor and lightness. But then, this isn't a heavy read, anyway.

The text fits well to the middle grade age group as it stays concise, while still delivering the important facts. It's written as if the author is directly conversing with the reader. It never talks down to the audience, but rather, naturally discusses different aspects of each place in a way, which awakens curiosity. Some even offer a more atmospheric glimpse as to what a visitor might experience. Then, the 'Things to See' and 'Things to Do' drop in with a couple hints to help readers dream or plan of what a visit to the park may look like. These include many free as well as a few money-dependent activities and also make sure the animal/bird life isn't forgotten.

The activity book is available separately from the main one and does make a lovely partner to round the experience off. It follows the same order as the chapters/parks in the main book and offers a brightly illustrated puzzle or activity for each one. This hits a large range of possibilities, from mazes to riddles to word searches and more. They fit the middle grade range nicely and hold a positive atmosphere thanks to the illustrations. The answers to each one can be found in the back. This book can be used alone, but when added to the main book, does work together very well. 

Anyone who is vacation dreaming and has National Parks in their plans...or wants to learn more about the parks in the in for a fun read with this set.

And here she is...

Lisa M. Gerry has written for a broad spectrum of publications including National Geographic Traveler, Teen Vogue, Forbes and more. She is the author of 100 Ways to Make the World Better, Water! Why Every Drop Counts, and How You Can Start Making Waves To Protect It, with more books on the way. From mind-boggling mazes to bemusing fill the blanks, this wildly fun activity book is sure to keep young minds engaged during a day of travel or an afternoon spent indoors - all whilst encouraging readers to better understand our amazing planet and learn how we can best protect it. Add it to your pack-list for your next family adventure or keep it close to hand to doodle, decipher and discover all that America's outstanding National Parks have to offer.

Lonely Planet Kids - an imprint of the world's leading travel authority Lonely Planet - published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travelers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids educates and encourages young readers at home and in school to learn about the world with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. We want to inspire the next generation of global citizens and help kids and their parents to approach life in a way that makes every day an adventure. Come explore!