Friday, February 27, 2015

Stellarcadia by Julie Anne Grasso with Giveaway

Mother Daughter Book Reviews is pleased to be hosting a Book Blast for the third and final book in the "Adventures of Caramel Cardamom" middle grade science fiction trilogy by Julie Anne Grasso: "Stellarcadia".

Stellarcadia by Julie Anne Grasso

About the Book

Title: Stellarcadia (Adventures of Caramel Cardamom, Book 3) | Author: Julie Anne Grasso | Publication Date: December 24, 2014 | Publisher: Independent | Pages: 128 | Recommended Ages: 8 to 12 

Caramel Cinnamon is one lucky elf. She can hardly believe she’s invited to attend the first Intergalactic Youth Summit, on-board the Stellarcadia. Her friends can’t wait to go “hyper,” but even the thought of it chills Caramel to the bone. However, nothing could compare to the icy reception she receives upon her arrival. Keen to get to the bottom of it, Caramel stumbles on a dangerous conspiracy, but no one will believe her. In the exciting conclusion to The Adventures of Caramel Cardamom Trilogy, Caramel will have to do more than outwit her enemies, she will have to convince her friends to take her seriously. For ages 8-12.

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Princess Caramel is off on another adventure, this time on a spaceship. . .but not just any flying piece of old metal. This ship is filled with fantastical surprises and dreams come true. As in the first two books of the Adventures of Caramel Cardamom series, fantasy is not a foreign word. Kids will love exploring the ship with Caramel and her friends as she discovers new and amazing things around each bend. And, of course, there's a bit of excitement, mystery and a pinch of danger thrown in.

Caramel is a girl readers will love. She means good. . .after all, she is a princess!. . .but sometimes curiosity gets the best of her. She's fun loving, yet a little shy. Boisterous at times, but afraid to make a speech. And it's exactly these little quirks which bring her and her friends to life.

The scenes in this story are packed with fantasy and invite kids to dream of all those things they love. The high-technology twist is an added bonus, which allow kids to fly even further-to the stars and beyond. But don't worry about wordiness or descriptions because despite everything going on in the spaceship, the descriptions stay at a minimum, allowing kids to take the basics as a launch pad for the own imaginations.

With the nice length of 128 pages, this was an easy tale to read in one sitting and won't scare kids off with bulk. The action and dialogue maintain a fast pace and although it takes a few chapters to move from the details of the spaceship and into the meaty plot, the pages keep turning. 

Summed up, this is a story which leads kids to endless fantasy. I'd recommend it to boys and girls ages 7-9.

The Early Buzz

"The book is also a perfect mix of magic, science, and technology. Don’t be surprised if readers get to use their imaginations and learn something. Julie Anne Grasso has proven herself to be an original and versatile author..." ~ 5 Stars, Ilana W., Amazon
"Couldn't put it down." ~ Jemima P., Goodreads

About the Author: Julie Anne Grasso

Julie Anne GrassoWith a background in paediatric nursing, Julie Anne Grasso spent many years literally wrapping children in cotton wool. Every day she witnessed great courage and resilience from the tiny people she cared for, which inspired her to write stories to encourage and entertain them. She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Danny and their little girl, Giselle.

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* $25 Book Blast Giveaway *

Amazon 25 gift card Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card or PayPal cash (winner’s choice) Contest ends: March 25, 11:59 pm, 2015 Open: Internationally How to enter: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author, Julie Anne Grasso and is hosted and managed by Renee from Mother Daughter Book Reviews. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send and email to Renee(at)MotherDaughterBookReviews(dot)com. a Rafflecopter giveaway MDBR Book Promotion Services

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Life Blood by H.K. Savage with Giveaway

Life Blood
by H.K. Savage
YA/Paranormal Romantic Suspense

What if we knew how to live forever? Is any cost too great?

Ava Brandt has been plagued with indecision her entire life; her direction influenced by the people around her, not her heart. When a chance encounter with a stranger challenges everything she thought she remembered from her frightening past, she must confront hidden memories to survive.

Ben Pearson, descendant of a famous physician, is living proof of his ancestor’s miraculous discovery two hundred years ago. Through a combination of blood transfusions from unsuspecting donors, he uncovered his own fountain of youth. As an unwilling convert, Ben continues to fight for those who are dying; their murderers content to kill innocents to prolong their own lives, no matter the human cost.

Finally accepting the truth of her past and the dreams that have plagued her, Ava comes face to face with her fears. But just as she comes to terms with this new reality and new feelings for her ageless rescuer, she finds herself in the middle of a battle that has raged and claimed untold young lives for centuries.


This is a nice read for those fans of series such as Twilight, but don't cover your neck because here, vampires are not an issue. There is a villain, though, one who deserves fear and respect.

Ava is a fairly normal girl except for her strange dreams and the reality they might play in her past. I enjoyed the refreshing beginning, a girl just out of school, working with her aunt in a cozy antique store. The scenes throughout the book pulled in, letting the world around evolve as if it were really there.

The characters are easy to like. Ava comes across as a level-headed, bit naive, but ready to do what has to be done kind of girl. There are moments, where she hits very normal -- I'd say almost bland-- but it's exactly this which gives her a sense of reality often forgotten in books. The hero, Ben, doesn't roar across the screen with all perfect hero tendencies right away and takes a little getting use to, but as the plot unfolds, his golden character shines and the dream for a great couple is born. And Ben's friend....well, let's just say that guy hits all perfect qualities from beginning on, leaving readers glad he isn't the one to fall for Ava (and still available...)

There's a lot of tension, and a wonderful secret past, which lay the scene for a dark, evil worth loathing. Of course, there's lots of twists and I'd love to hit on those, but my lips are sealed when it comes to releasing spoilers.

My biggest complaint about this book (and reason that I was hesitating even at 4 stars), is the editing and a few weaker writing areas. With the proper care, these issues could have been cleaned up, but I'm guessing non-grammar nerds probably won't be too bothered and will easily get lost in the exciting plot.

Summed up, this is an enjoyable read for all those suspense and paranormal fans who enjoy a little romance mixed in.



Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Zak and Zoe and the Ghost Leopard by Lars Guignard

Zoe & Zak and 

the Ghost Leopard 

The Heroes of the Himalayas Book #1

by Lars Guignard
Fantastic Press
Middle Grade Fantasy
338 pages
Recommended ages 10+

Zoe doesn’t believe in ghosts. She doesn’t believe in mythical creatures. And she definitely doesn’t believe in magic. But it’s amazing how quickly everything you think you believe can change when you’re confronted by the impossible.
When Zoe finds herself lost, halfway around the world, her first thought is that she needs to get back to where she came from. Fast. But her friend Zak has other ideas, and when a peculiar snake charmer directs them deep into the Himalayan Mountains in search of a mythical leopard, what began as an accident soon takes on a life of its own.
Zoe isn’t worried. Not at first anyhow. Sure the talking elephant is strange, and the snake charming yogi is stranger, but she’s a big girl. She figures she can handle it. But then, somewhere between the living statues and the screeching monkeys, Zoe realizes that what is happening to her and Zak is no accident.
It’s the result of something Zoe has deep within her, an energy so powerful, yet so personal, that she alone can right a deadly wrong.
But nobody said confronting an ancient evil would be easy. And Zoe and Zak will have no chance at all unless they put aside their differences and believe.


This story starts with two kids put in a perfect situation for adventure - off in a foreign country and totally unhindered by their parents. Yep, Zak and Zoe can take off on their own--adults might wonder at this point, but kids could dream of nothing better. Of course, Zoe and Zak not only experience the unknown culture of India, but mystic and mysterious events, which are really beyond all logical explanation.

Firstly, I enjoyed this splurge into another culture, especially one as exotic as India. The author does a great job bringing a few interesting tidbits of this country and it's people, while leading Zak and Zoe on their amazing trip. I enjoyed the descriptions and had no trouble picturing the scenes around me.The plot itself is fantastical, nothing for little logic-thinkers. Zak and Zoe encounter strange people and beings as they go from one sometimes dangerous situation into another. They're fun to follow, and their polar personalities add a nice touch of humor to the suspense.

Zak and Zoe are enjoyable characters which readers of this age group will mostly relate to. I did find that Zoe sometimes over-stepped her age, giving an older impression. But I doubt younger readers will notice this.

Summed up, this is a nice mystery/adventure set in a foreign world (in many respects). I think fantasy friends ages 9+ (especially boys) will enjoy this.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Love Edy Series by Shewanda Pugh with Giveaway

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Bittersweet  - Love Edy # 2
by Shewanda Pugh
Audience: Young Adult - Genre: Romance - Formats: E-book and Paperback - Publisher: Razor’s Edge - Cover by: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design - Editor: Emma Fry - Pages: 280 pages - ISBN: 978-0692333822 - ASIN: B00P2UC1S2 - Date Published: 9 December 2014
In the aftermath of one tragic and uncertain night, Edy and Hassan shut out the chaos with a kiss. But when Hassan's traditionalist mother sees that kiss … well, a nightmare of a different sort begins. After all, he still has an arranged marriage on the horizon. Love attacks the glue of their two bonded families; while the slow tug of success pulls Edy and Hassan in opposite directions. After denying their feelings for so long, they now have each other, but are forced to ask themselves if being together is worth it.
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Hassan examined the gash on his right hand with mild interest, curious as to what point he’d earned it. His hand shook; his whole arm shook, and the tightness in his chest worked like a vice. He believed he could whittle away the panic. He believed he could wish away the night. He closed his eyes, opened them, and found all exactly as it had been. He swatted at the EMT impatiently as his legs dangled from the rear of the ambulance. “That’s enough,” Hassan said. “I’m good.” The man frowned down at his work. He’d cleaned the wound, applied an ointment, and looked at a roll of gauze longingly. “Really, you should let me—” “I said ‘no.’” Hassan snatched his arm free and stood. They’d rolled Wyatt away on a gurney. When that happened, the wheel of the stretcher had bumped on the door frame’s ledge, causing his arm to swing out from the bed. Long, white, limp—that was Hassan’s last image of him. He thought of it now as he stared at the Green’s front entrance. A uniformed officer banged at the door. Another stood at his side. The wind howled in response. He couldn’t watch that. He couldn’t stand this. Swarming, aimless flashing lights, the methodical sectioning and combing of here and there, and Wyatt’s swinging arm, slipped out to greet him. He’s dead. No one loses that much blood and lives. Hassan’s thoughts turned to Edy, Edy whose friend had been shot. Quick steps brought him to her, in the cold, in the dark, in the madness they’d rushed home. Get to her was his only command. She stood underneath a winter-stripped oak wrapped in a fleece Patriots blanket. Seeing her reminded him of his own bare arms and of how cold he should have been. He slid in with her, wrapped her in the circle of his arms so tight, and exhaled a puff of exhaustion. Better, he thought. Best. Because he couldn’t think just now. He could only feel and breathe in drafts, so wrecked was he from the senselessness of it all. Some part of him, some inner part, fractured and burned, fluttering off in winter winds ashen piece by ashen piece. “Hassan,” Edy said. “I—I’m freaking out. I’m going to lose it completely.” Her eyes swept the lawn without seeing, watering to overflow, sliding into panic. “Edy,” he said, but she didn’t hear. “Edy,” he repeated, but she still didn’t hear. She gripped the fabric of his shirt at the waist, fisting it with a hand and twisting. He pulled her in so they were forehead to forehead and trembling. She would keep it together or he would unravel right with her. book 1 covergif
Love Edy -  Love Edy # 1
Pages: 313 pages -  ISBN: 978-0692027141 - ASIN: B00L89KZ16
When Edy Phelps falls hard for her best friend, she knows nothing can come from it. Forget actual chemistry, or the fact that she cherishes his mother more than her own; centuries of tradition say that Hassan will grow up, marry the girl his parents pick, and forget his best friend: the dancer with the bursting smile. Except he can't. In a world erupting with possibilities for the boy with a body of steel and dreams of the NFL, everything seems promised while nothing at all is; when he's denied the girl he wants most. Two hearts. Two families devoted through generations of friendship. Could Edy and Hassan really risk all that? And yet ... how could they not?
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about the author
Shewanda Pugh is a tomboy who credits Stephen King with being the reason she writes romance. In 2012 she debuted with the first novel in a three part contemporary adult romance series, Crimson Footprints. Since then, she's been shortlisted for the AAMBC Reader's Choice Award, the National Black Book Festival's Best New Author Award, and the Rone Award for Contemporary Fiction in 2012 and 2013. She has an MA in Writing from Nova Southeastern University and a BA in Political Science from Alabama A&M University. Though a native of Boston, MA, she now lives in Miami, FL, where she can soak up sun rays without fear of shivering.
follow the tour
Tour Schedule - One Month Series Tour for The Love Edy Series by Shewanda Pugh from Feb 2 to March 2, 2015.
Feb 2
Coffee Book & Art - Promo
What Shall We Blog About Today? - Promo
Feb 3
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! - Promo
Feb 4
Amiabooklover - Promo
Feb 5
Deal Sharing Aunt - Promo
Feb 6
The Avid Reader - Promo
Feb 9
Archaeolibrarian - I dig good books! - Promo
Feb 10
Angels with Attitude Book Reviews - Promo
Feb 11
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom - Promo
Feb 12
Bound 2 Escape - Promo
Feb 13
Angee's After Thoughts - Promo
Portals to New Worlds - Promo
Feb 16
Mommy's Late Night Book-up - Promo
Feb 17
Word to Dreams - Promo
Feb 18
Books, Authors, Blogs - Promo
Feb 19
Indy Book Fairy - Promo
Feb 20
2 Girls & A Book - Promo
Feb 23
Rustys Reading - Promo
Feb 24
Bookworm for Kids - Review - Love Edy #1
Feb 25
JeanzBookReadNReview - Promo
Feb 26
Platypire Reviews - Review - Love Edy #1 & Love Edy #2
Feb 27
Eclipse Reviews - Promo
March 2
The Phantom Paragrapher - Review - Love Edy #2

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fall of Knight by Steven Cross

Title: Fall of Knight
Author: Steven Cross
Genre: YA psychological thriller
Publisher: Booktrope Publishing
Release Date: April 7th, 2015

A normal teenager Dean Knight is not.

With a mental illness that threatens to take over his sanity; a sister who’s deep in her own problems; and a wasted mother who couldn’t care less about it all, Dean is left to battle real life on his own. School, bullies and medications are his realities.

Then there are also the ghosts, the hallucinations and of course – the monster.

In the middle of it all, when everything seems to lose purpose, hope comes shining down on Dean’s miserable life. Her name is Ella and for one reason or another, she actually wants to be close to Dean. With Ella’s help, the lost teenage boy decides that he could finally win a battle or two – both in real life and in his writing.

But hope is a tricky thing. And the monster seems to know that.

When secrets buried down for almost a decade come out in the open, what do you do?

Steve Cross’s first successful writing project was a play about a werewolf that his eighth grade English class performed. Though the play was never published, the warm fuzzy feeling from its public performance has never quite left Cross, who continues to sink his teeth into a variety of writing projects. His first publication was a haiku, followed by two middle grade novels published by POD publishers and a young adult novel published by Buck’s County Publishing.
A fanatical St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan; a lover of all kinds of YA fiction, as well as the writings of Dean Koontz and Stephen King; a fan of all kinds of music – from Abba to the Zac Brown band, Cross dreams of the day he will write a best-selling novel or sell a screenplay for seven figures, so he can retire and write more best-selling fiction.  Until that day, he and his wife Jean, Missourians born and bred, will continue to toil in the field of education and live in peace with their two dogs and two cats and wait around until their daughter Megan and son-in-law Sean give them grandchildren to spoil.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rebellion by Stephanie Diaz

by Stephanie Diaz
St. Martin's Griffin
YA Science Fiction
336 pages

It's been seven days since Clementine, Logan, and their allies retreated into hiding on the Surface. Clementine feels almost safe in their company, but she knows it won't last. The rebels may have won one fight against Commander Charlie, but the fight is far from over. He will find a way to fly his Core battleship to the nearby planet, Marden, no matter how many lives are lost in the process. Unless the rebels defeat him first.
The plan is simple: they will infiltrate each sector and weaken his infrastructure from within his ranks. They will convince the underage workers in the camps to join in the uprising. They will hijack ships, enter the Core, and assassinate Charlie. But Charlie has more weapons in his possession than guns and bombs, and he will do whatever it takes to keep the rebels from ruining his plans. With every step, Clementine draws closer to losing Logan and everyone she cares about—and losing control of herself.


After the nerve-wracking cliff hanger ending of the first novel in this series, EXTRACTION, I couldn't wait to get my hands on book 2. Clementine is just starting to digest all the events and sacrifices of the last days as she finds sanctuary in the rebellion hide-out. She has scars and lots of baggage, a fact which I found made her very realistic. But of course, the beginning quiet is only a short pause before the storm sets in again.

The characters are much more worked out in REBELLION, giving a deeper insight into their thoughts, actions and personalities. Clementine presses on as a true heroine, but the battles of book 1 have left their mark and this is brought out nicely. Honestly, I did find that by deepening the characters, REBELLION did suffer on speed. There were several times during the first half, where I found myself wondering when things would finally pick up and get going. But it wasn't enough to make me put down the pages. Nope. The story is investing, and I really wanted to see how Clementine would come through her new predicament (which just thickened and thickened and thickened).

The plot itself is fairly straight forward in the beginning, but then starts to twist and turn into an array of unexpected surprises. There were several happenings which I really didn't see coming and kept this story on it's toes. There's a little romance too, but it fits well with the peril of the situations. Sweet but realistic, and thrown into the battle as much as the rest of Clementine's world.

Summed up, I can't wait to get my hands on book 3 and fever for Clementine as she battles through to the very end.

You can find this. . .

Amazon / B&N / BAM / Indiebound

And here she is. . .

                                   STEPHANIE DIAZ!!!

Twenty-two-year-old Stephanie Diaz wrote her first novel, Extraction, while studying film at San Diego State University. When she isn't writing, she can be found singing, marveling at the night sky, or fangirling over TV shows. Extraction is the first book in a trilogy.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dead Girl Walking by Ruth Silver

Dead Girl Walking (Royal Reaper) by Ruth Silver
Published: November 25, 2014
Publisher: Booktrope
  Forget everything you know about grim reapers.
Princess Ophelia Dacre sneaks out of the castle to visit her boyfriend in secret. A perfect night cut short when she’s brutally murdered.
Ophelia is given the rare chance to become a grim reaper. She must become Leila Bele, cut ties with her old life, and follow the rules of the reapers. Her greatest adventure begins with death.   Now includes the prequel Ashes to Ashes as a bonus story in the Booktrope edition. Available in eBook & Paperback.
Dead Girl Walking
Licensed to Ruth Silver
ON SALE FOR JUST 99 cents!!!


  “Listen, kid, I don’t care what you believe in. It’s not for me to say what’s true and untrue, real or unreal. My assignment was you. You get to be one of us, if you want it. Otherwise, you move on, life is over, kaput.” Ophelia backed away from the stranger. For the first time, she realized she didn’t feel cold and wasn’t shivering. Is this what being dead was like? “One of you?” “A grim reaper.” He held out his hand to properly introduce himself. “Edon Montgomery, head reaper and old soul.”   [caption id="attachment_10212" align="aligncenter" width="541"]Dead Girl Walking (Royal Reaper)
Licensed to Ruth Silver

Author Interview

Do you have any plans to write a spin-off for Aberrant?
Yes! I am currently working on an untitled project that is a prequel, spin-off. I haven't spoken much about it, but I will say there is plenty of action and a world to explore that we've barely touched in the Aberrant trilogy.

What are you currently working on?
I've got several writing projects underway. Forget Me Knot (Royal Reaper 2) is in edits right now with an expected Spring 2015 release. I'm also writing steamy adult fiction under the name Ravyn Rayne, which will be available this year as well. You can find those projects on Ravyn Rayne Reads.

Do you have a full-time job? Writing and marketing my own novels is my full-time job. It involves far more than 40 hours a week, but I love it, so I don't mind.  

About the Author

1 lo res
Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of the Aberrant trilogy. With a passion for writing and a love of story-telling, Ruth is actively writing two series: Royal Reaper and Orenda. Her interests also include traveling, reading, and photography. Her favorite vacation destination is Australia. Ruth currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

She can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and her book blog Write Away Bliss.

The Aesir Kids by James Grant Goldin and Charlotte Goldin

by James Grant Goldin and 
Charlotte Goldin
Basilisk Books
Middle Grade Fantasy
384 pages
ages 8+ 

They’re the children of the Norse gods, with incredible strength, magical weapons and monsters for pets. They’ve got problems with school, bullies, family issues and attacks by giants.
And when Asgard, the home of the gods, is threatened with utter destruction, it’s up to the children of Thor, Sif, Loki, Freya, Balder…along with some very extraordinary friends…to save it.
THE AESIR KIDS tells the story of…
THRUD, the pre-teen daughter of Thor, who has to balance fighting trolls and giants with her after-school job waiting tables at Valhalla…
FIRE, young master of flame, the son of the three mysterious Norns and perhaps the key to saving the Nine Worlds…
MAGNI AND MODI, Thrud’s younger brothers, whose strength is matched only by their knack for getting into trouble…
ULL, the greatest skier of the gods…except for, maybe,
SKADE, the four-year-old goddess of skiing…
TJALFI, the human boy who can run like the wind…
ROSKVA, Tjalfi’s sister, who can hear something happening many miles away…
FORSETI, the level-headed son of Balder, who’s as good with a bow as he is with a written test…
NOSS, the beloved daughter of the Goddess of Love…
HELA, the sensitive little girl who hates her destiny of growing up to be the Goddess of Death…
Along with other gods, godlings, light-elves, trolls, dwarfs and creatures, these young heroes must find a way to save the universe…and find the core of courage within themselves. THE AESIR KIDS is a fantasy novel based on many actual characters from Norse mythology. It’s the first published collaboration between author James Grant Goldin and his ten-year-old daughter, Charlotte Goldin.


Packed with Norse mythology and adventure, THE AESIR KIDS is a book Rick Riordan and all mythology fans won't want to miss. Although all the favorites (Loki, Thor and Odin) are mentioned or present, this story goes into the next generation. With it's diverse age range of characters, readers of several ages will feel drawn into this exciting world, especially since the powerful kids of Asgard aren't really all that different than normal ones here on Earth.
Starting with a gentle, tale-telling Grandpa, the reader is already hooked by the time the adventures begin. And with a first chapter title The Frost Giant's Treasure, interested is guaranteed. I especially enjoyed the opening scenes. Although it's clear that these kids originate from powerful 'gods' (throwing around a huge boulder in a game of toss isn't easy), their sibling banter is so familiar, it's hard not to feel right at home.
The writing is great for the intended age group, never bogging down with too much description and keeping a realistic dialogue with just enough of the surroundings to allow the fantasy free run. The characters are distinct and packed full of personality. It was fun to bounce between their daily lives (which are similar to our own) and the exciting adventures, which kept me on the edge of my seat. The only thing which bothered me was the number of characters. Although all are fun and have their place, it was difficult to remember who was who until I was fairly far into the book. There is a list in the back, but honestly, the back is the last place I look for things when I want to dive into a book and start on page 1. It would have been nice to see this in the beginning. Also, I found the first pages a little difficult for 'unknowers' of the Norse mythology. One or two sentence background descriptions of what Asgard is or the Bifrost bridge or even Odin/Thor would have easily broaden the audience.
Although there's a ton of action in this story, there are also several messages buried in the pages. My personal favorite was that battles are not always won by strength and war, but friendship, kindness and loyalty also play a huge role in the scheme of things. 
In other words, I give this a huge two thumbs up!

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And here they are. . .
James Grant Goldin
Charlotte Goldin!!!

James Grant Goldin is a TV writer whose work has appeared on The History Channel, The Discovery Channel and elsewhere. He first became interested in Norse mythology as a child, and was lucky enough to eventually pass that interest on to his daughter Charlotte. They would make up games based on Norse myths, and those games were the basis of their first full-length collaboration, “The Aesir Kids.”
Want to know more? Than find them at. . .

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