Thursday, September 21, 2023

Today's read... Clementine: Book Two by Tillie Walden

by Tillie Walden
Skybound Comet
YA Zombie Fiction / Graphic Novel
296 pages

OCTOBER 3rd!!!

Clementine and her new friends are rescued by an island community led by an enigmatic doctor called Miss Morro, but just as Clementine’s scars are finally beginning to heal, she discovers dark secrets that threaten to tear her new life apart.

Can Miss Morro be trusted? What about the rest of the islanders?

And just how far will Clementine go to protect the ones she loves?


Within a realm mirroring The Walking Dead, the battle to survive takes interesting twists and turns.

This is the second book in the series, obviously, but I decided to take the risk of diving in without taking a peek at book one. While there were more than a couple holes to fill, it wasn't impossible to sink into this tale. I'd still recommend starting at book one, though, since this book takes off where that one ended.

Clementine is an interesting character, who faces a deadly world with more than a few handicaps to hold her back. Her friends have their own issues, but the bonds are strong and make them a force to be reckoned least, enough to survive. There is quite a bit of action in these pages, but there are also more than a few moments of more emotional struggles. It's a very rounded read with more depth than I expected, and characters to really dig in. This kept some pages speeding along, while others slowed quite a bit more than I, personally, prefer. But those who love teen depth will appreciate the moments.

This is a raw book not only on the thrill side but also on the emotional one. There are triggers concerning pregnancy, self-harm, death of loved ones, suicide and more. These stay at a teen level, mostly, and do give the tale an unexpected breadth. It makes for an interesting read, which slides right along with the well-done illustrations and gains grit. For those, who enjoy zombie survival tales, it's more than worth picking up and taking a peek.

And here she is...

Tillie Walden is a cartoonist and illustrator from Austin, Texas. Born in 1996, she is a recent graduate from the Center for Cartoon Studies, a comics school in Vermont. Over the course of her time at CCS she published three books with the London based Avery Hill Publishing. She has already received an Eisner Award nomination and two Ignatz Awards for her early works. When she is not drawing comics, Tillie can be found walking and listening to audiobooks or asleep with a cat. She also enjoys studying architecture and tries to incorporate that passion into her comics. Spinning is her first long form autobiographical work. (taken from Goodreads)

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