Friday, August 6, 2021

Review: Grace and Scout by Michele Morgan and Lauren Lovejoy

 I call this the 'itchy time of year'. It seems it's impossible to go outside without getting bug bites. This last week, I had to chase down a run-away pony and ended up leading him back almost a mile over pastures only to now be covered from head to toe in bites (none were tick, though). Today's review hits upon an often ignored disease, the Lyme disease. 

Let's take a peek!

by Michele Morgan and 
Lauren Lovejoy
Illustrated by Noelle Aly
Lyme Warrior
21 pages
ages 4 to 8

A story of friendship through Lyme Disease.
Grace and Scout are very best friends. They build forts and sandcastles and play in the snow together. But one day Grace becomes sick and can’t come out and play with Scout any more. Scout is sad and misses his friend but he figures out a way to make Grace feel better . The story of Grace and Scout teaches children what true friendship is all about.



Friendship shines with tons of warmth in these pages, while the awareness of the Lyme Disease is spread.

Grace and Scout are very best friends and play outside together constantly. One day, Scout's mother tells him that Grace is sick, and that it will be awhile before she can play again. After learning a little about ticks and the Lyme Disease, he decides to make Grace something to cheer her up. 

This is a book with a huge purpose: to spread the awareness of Lyme Disease. While in the tale there isn't really much information outside of ticks carrying the disease, spray to keep them off, and searching to make sure they are removed, the end of the book has quite a bit of information to help and inform. Which is great, since it raises awareness, while still keeping a story aimed at kids. But there's another purpose to this book, and that's support and friendship. Kids with Lyme Disease have an uphill battle, which removes them from their usual life. Friendship is key during this time, and this book allows that to shine....because not only Lyme Disease requires a friend's help.

The entire thing is written in rhyme, flows nicely, and works well for the intended audience. The friendship between Grace and Scout is impossible to miss, and Scout's desire to be there for her is warming. I was surprised that he didn't see her again until she was healthy and back in school, considering they were such great friends...but then, this works for those who are acquaintances and just want to offer a little support as well. 

The illustrations are done in aquarelle and give a playful or more solemn atmosphere, as needed. The love in these is hard to miss.

This book is written to support those battling Lyme Disease, and the profits (in part, I believe) go to also found Smile Boxes, which are then delivered to the ill to give them a little added drop of happiness.

Want to learn more? You can go here:

Lyme Warrior
Every year 427,000+ people are diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Chronic symptoms can range from disabling to death. Testing is inaccurate and treatment is not covered by insurance.
For our friends, family, and strangers who’s lives have been permanently changed by this disease, we work to find a CURE so that others will not have to live the hardship our community has lived.
With your support, we can change the future of Lyme disease.

(taken from website)

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