Wednesday, November 29, 2023

What's Coming in December?

December is a very busy month...and not just in our household, I'm assuming. While the Christmas tree is already standing, the Advent's wreath ready to be used this weekend, and cookies already baking, there are still plenty of hours for reading. I have a small collection of Christmas tales from various cultures and time frames, which stand near the Christmas tree. And, of course, there's always room for new tales.

This month, I have quite a few reads to ring in the holidays (no surprise there), but I also have a mix of others to spice up those cooling nights as hot chocolate gains popularity again. There are quite a few picture books on the holiday themed-end, where my young adult ones will pack more tension. The middle grade reads are a little sparser this month, but the ones I have head more toward school and life drama.

Here's a quick peek at a few. Just a sneak peek of the almost 30 reads that will be appearing in the next weeks!


This is the first novel in a series, which made its debut earlier this year in May. I might be late in getting to it, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited I' expecting a dusting of magic and quite a bit of school drama. It seems to be doing well, so it should be an entertaining read. Let's find out how spellbinding it is on the 3rd.

Middle Grade Fantasy


 This book is also part of a series...and no, I haven't read any of the other books, yet, so this one is new to me. The train on the front made me smile, and I already had tons of ideas of what this story might hold speeding through my head. I have a feeling its going to be a touching and fun read. Be ready to jump on board with me on the 5th to learn more about this one.

Picture Book / Holiday


This one is releasing this month and just happens to be from a very talented, author friend. I adore her tales and never know what to expect next. This one circles around a ghost, a small town, and a teen, who's trying to find footing again after some terrible family happenings. I have already taken a peek at this one and will just say that I'm excited to share it with you on the 7th.

Young Adult Paranormal


When I saw this title, I thought of the traditional tale about three little kittens who lost their mittens. But I'm pretty sure this book has nothing to do with that story. I was very curious to see what these little mittens are up to and hope that it's a warming read to cuddle up with. Get ready for some snuggly thoughts on the 9th.

Picture Book


This cover definitely doesn't drift to snowflakes and colder weather, but that's fine with me. This one promises fast-paced action as it circles around a mysterious girl, and secrets surrounding a small town and it's residents. I'm not sure what else to expect but am hoping this one will keep me hooked in the pages and, maybe, demand a late reading night. See how thrilling it is with me on the 13th.

Young Adult Thriller


No Christmas can pass by without, at least one read about Santa and the North Pole. This one promises to be a whimsical, imaginative read and perfect for those last dreams before Christmas arrives. I'm hoping for elves, toys, reindeer, and everything Santa. And more. Find out if this read is worth a slide under the tree on the 21st.

Picture Book / Holiday


I picked this lovely book up at the library and was thrilled to be able to work it in on here as a holiday/library read. It heads back to around 1815 or so and circles around a mystery and romance. I found the red and gold cover a lovely touch of traditional Christmas feelings...and a sleigh ride in the snow? Sign me up! I'll be visiting this one on the 22nd, so make sure that mistletoe is ready and waiting.

Young Adult Historical


Ghosts and family should be the highlights of this read. It surrounds a boy, who never fits in thanks to his paranormal talents. I've seen quite a bit of buzz about this one this last year and was excited to finally have the chance to take a peek at it. Join me on the 27th to see how spooky it gets.

Middle Grade Paranormal


This is the first in a new graphic novel series for the YA audience and surrounds a girl, who is anything but a 'good girl'. Yet, she's the only one capable of saving the day. A villain turned hero story, by the sounds of it. I'm expecting tons of action and am looking forward to a quick-paced read. We'll learn more about this one on the 29th.

Young Adult Science Fiction / Graphic Novel

Oh, and before I forget, there's the reveal of My Favorite Reads of 2023 coming up on December 31st!


Natalie Aguirre said...

You've got some great reads coming up. I'm looking forward to reading Rattlesnake.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I know the author of the third book!

Tonja Drecker said...

Natalie - It's a great read...but I didn't expect anything else from her.

Alex - :)