Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dewi and the Seeds of Doom by Maggie Lyons



by Maggie Lyons

MuseItUp Publishing

Middle Grade Fantasy

ages 6+

70 pages

When Dewi is clobbered by a falling rat, the nosy Welsh dragon snoops his way into a challenging predicament. Helped by a toad with a passion for chemical wart cures, Dewi discovers that a megalomaniac baron is secretly breeding mutant corn at an unfriendly castle. To thwart the genetically modified-corn baron’s sickening plan, he must use moxie and firepower in a series of catastrophe-skirting capers.


Did you know rats can simply fall out of the sky? Neither does the sweet dragon Dewi until one plops on him. As a dragon, you'd think that meant dinner time for Dewi...but not this loving Dragon. He's off to solve a mystery and find out what is going on. Of course, he finds more than he ever dreamed.

Dewi is a wonderful dragon who will really reach out to kids 6+. Not only is he kind and sweet and a dragon (yes, dragons are simply cool creatures), but he sometimes feels that he's underestimated and is capable of more than the 'adult' world will give him credit for. Kids will love it when he goes on this mystery, knowing that if his dragon father or others really knew what he was up to, they'd put an end to it quick. This dragon trusts himself and encourages kids to believe in themselves and their abilities.

The writing is perfect for first readers as is the length. The settings are whimsical and place kids in a magical world. There's danger without going over-board, action without being scary and evil characters which won't leave nightmares.

Summed up, I can highly recommend this adventurous tale (and adorable dragon) to readers who love adventure and a lot of fun.

Amazon (Print) | Amazon (Kindle) | Barnes and Noble | Goodreads

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