Wednesday, November 1, 2023

What's Coming in November and IWSG!

It's the 1st Wednesday of November, which also means that it's IWSG day! For years, this wonderful group of writers, authors, and friends have been meeting in a monthly blog hop with the intent to offer support, seek encouragement, or simply exchange thoughts or whatnots. Writing doesn't have to be a lonely journey. Alex J. Cavanaugh began this now thriving group and each month, he's assisted by amazing co-hosts. So, special thanks to: PJ Colando, Jean Davis, Lisa Buie Collard, and Diedre Knight

This month's question hits another writing wonderfulness, which hits every November. National Novel Writing Month. 

Have I ever jumped in on that bandwagon? Yes, I have. A few times. But that was a several years ago. While it's a great chance for some, it doesn't really fit me. My life is too hectic and unpredictable to keep up a constant writing pace. Plus, I prefer the stewing method of writing. My stories take time.

I did enjoy the atmosphere and the encouragement writers give each other during this month. And I wish all those who are jumping in the best of success. 

Go get those words! 


Time for the monthly sneak-peek! As I shuffled through my to-read pile for this month, I had to blink a few times. Talk about a hodge-podge on the theme end! Usually, there seems to be, at least, a little trend to the books I collect during a month, but this time, it's all over the place. Picture books fill the stack, but they range from first holiday reads to animals to environment to love to humor and beyond. I'm a little lighter on the middle grade range, and most of these are graphic novels. I think all of my young adult reads hit a different genre, this month, too. So, I guess there is about something for everyone in the up-coming weeks. A prelude to a feast? (Yeah, that was my bad attempt at a nod toward Thanksgiving in a weird way)


I always find the beginning weeks of November to be a peace before the holiday storm, and this read seems to radiate that calming atmosphere. Plus, fireflies are a bit magical and great for a sleepy-time read. Let's see if this is as lovely a read as I hope it will be tomorrow, on the 2nd.

Picture Book


I've been seeing this one around the last months and was excited to finally get my hands on a copy...and super curious. If I understand this right, it's about a mischievous boy, who tries to becomes a monk but takes a turn in a direction to help fight demons...and somehow, there's a stone marten, who comes to life and causes issues in the Heavens...and somehow, this all comes together. Find out more with me on the 5th.

Middle Grade Fantasy


The moment I saw that this one is being compared to Squid Games meets The Bachelor meets Ace of Spades, my curiosity shifted into high gear. It's about a girl, who takes part in an odd competition against 11 other girls to gain entrance into a prestigious family and Ivy League which centers around life and death. It sounds like it might be a gripping, fast-paced read, but I'll know if it is or not on the 6th.

Young Adult Thriller


This read is doing so well that it has released in Australia and is hitting New Zealand this up-coming year. While it's not really butterfly time here, in the Ozarks, I have no doubt this one will bring smiles and warmer thoughts. I'm going to take a jaunt into colors and Spring on the 10th.

Picture Book


Happy thoughts should fill this read from beginning to end. It's said to center around all the wonderful things surrounding us in every day life...and who doesn't need to recognize more joy in the world around them? I'm hoping to be smiling with every page in this read. Find out if happiness radiates from this one or not on the 13th.

Picture Book


This read received a finalist prize in the 2023 Global Book Awards, and it's been getting rave reviews. It's said to be a great read for fans of The Outsiders. It surrounds a boy, who after a move, finds himself in 1982 Las Vegas and has quite a few issues to deal with. I'm expecting quite a bit of depth, heartbreak, and tense moments. And I'm expecting it to be a grabbing read. I'll be hitting this one on the 17th.

Young Adult Historical Fiction


I remember when this novel first hit the shelves years ago. So, I was more than curious (a little thrilled, really) to see it re-appear in a new form. I'll be curious to see how this translates over and if it reads as wonderfully as the original novel did, while holding the same exciting atmosphere and characters. I'll be sharing my thoughts on this one on the 20th.

Middle Grade Fantasy / Graphic Novel


It's time for chills and thrills in this read...which is obvious with one glance at that cover. It centers around voices in a girl's head, ghosts, witches, and a house, and sinks into the horror direction. Now, I'm a chicken when it comes to really spooky stories, so this might be more than I can take. We'll find out how creepy it is on the 21st.

Young Adult Horror


It's been way too long since I've had a religious read on here. I found the cover on this one very inviting and had the silliest scenes of Noah and the animals on the Arc running through my head immediately. I could see those animals causing a little ruckus in so many fun ways. I'm taking a peek at this one on the 24th.

Picture Book


I've enjoyed works from this author before and was excited to get my hands on her latest. This one centers on a girl from Pakistan and seems to swirl around her love for creativity and art. I'm sure there's quite a bit of drama as well as touching moments built in, but I'm expecting this girl to carry tons of personality. I'll find out more on the 28th.

Middle Grade Contemporary

Every month, I find myself swimming in more books than I could ever read...which also means I have left-overs after my schedule is full. But there are always other amazing books, I want to get to if possible. These fall into my Joker pile and I put my most favorite at the top. Since the publishing world is pretty volatile, I can usually squeeze it in at one point. I just never know when.


The second I saw this novel, I wanted to get my hands on it. It's been quite a while since I've stumbled across a steampunk read for young adults...and this one promises to be quite the exciting adventure, too. It circles around teenage thieves, a fairy-tale realm, and the desire to take over the throne. I can't wait to see if it's as good as I think it might be...but when? That's the question, isn't it?

Young Adult Steampunk



Natalie Aguirre said...

NaNo doesn't fit me either. Wow! You're reading a lot of books this month. Third Wheel sounds interesting.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

NaNo isn't for everyone. Best you know that and stick to your writing style.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

My life and schedule are also too chaotic for NaNo.

Tonja Drecker said...

Natalie - You're always so busy too!

Alex - Lol! If only a writer knew exactly what 'style' to call theirs. But you're right

Diane - Yeah, I don't see you having time for that, too. Nope. Not at all.