Friday, January 20, 2017

Review: Jesper Jinx's Best Friend by Marko Kitti

Jesper Jinx, Book Six
Middle Grade Humor
ages 8+
150 pages

Jesper Jinx is eleven, and probably the unluckiest person in all of Puffington Hill. Everything he touches seems to end up in sweet disaster. Hence his nickname 'Jinx'.

Every great hero needs a sidekick who’s ready to laugh at their silly antics. And Oliver has been just that for Jesper on countless pranks since the day they were born. But now Jesper’s sister Melinda has set her sights on Oliver and even worse, he doesn’t seem to mind.

Add to this horrible dilemma the fact that there is a heatwave in Puffington Hill. The air is now so hot that birds are falling from the trees and grandpas and grandmas are forced to wear bikinis. It all adds up to sweet disaster for Jesper.

How far is he willing to go to save his friendship with Oliver?


The Silly Old Scribbler devulges another glimpse into the hilarious life of Jesper Jinx, while sliding through topics which hit middle graders face on.

Jesper Jinx's best friend--one he's known since the first seconds of life--has turned traitor. Or so it seems to Jesper. Now, he has to decide if there's a way to deal with his best friend's decision or lose his co-heart in crime forever.

In this sixth book in the Jesper Jinx series, the Silly Old Scribbler (aka Marko Kitti) takes a deep dive into one of the most treasured things middle school boys have--their best friend--and one of a boy's worst enemies--their sisters. Oliver and Jesper have been through thick and thin. So the thought of 'treason' hits right in the gut despite the humor buffer packed around it. Oliver and Jesper's history finally comes to light. Of course, it's not a boring explanation but delivered in perfect Jesper style.

The author delivers the adventures in a very honest and straight forward style. Despite being a prankster, Jesper is a kid with real feelings. This mixture of side splitting humor and every day middle grade problems, makes these books a pure treat to read. But it's not only this mix which lures in. The books are short, only 150 or so pages, which guarantees not to chase away the more reluctant readers. All sorts of goodies are packed within the story--agreements to sign, illustrations, diagrams. Readers not only read the tales but participate as if the narrator was really sitting right in front of them.

Summed up, this is a great continuation of a wonderful series. And I can't wait to see what happens to Jesper Jinx next.

And here he is. . .

Marko Kitti is a Finnish writer.

Find more about Marko's children's book series, Jesper Jinx, at

Marko's Finnish publications include two collections of short stories, two novels for adult readers and one novel for young adult readers. His Finnish novel Meidän maailma (Our World) was shortlisted for the Runeberg Prize in 2009.

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